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We use the Kick for Trade Life-Skills Curriculum which is a fun and interactive curriculum that uses the power of football to support participants in developing key life-skills. With a focus on employability and entrepreneurship, the life-skills covered by this course are relevant to many areas of life, with the aim of helping participants to pursue healthy and successful lives. The sessions are designed to be delivered by trained life-skills coaches with minimal equipment and resources needed, so that they can be implemented easily in different environments, and made as inclusive as possible.
The curriculum has two sections – Employability and Entrepreneurship – each with 11 sessions – the number of players in a football team. The Employability section is focused on 11 key life-skills that will help young people to develop attributes needed to gain and remain in employment. The Entrepreneurship section builds on this, and introduces participants to 11 life-skills needed for pursuing their own ventures, and for setting up their own businesses and income generating initiatives.
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